Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Planted Vitex negundo and White Vitex in the new raised bed by the golf course, moved Gold Rider Leyland to the property line and planted Gordlinia in the berm, replanted Hatsushimo Rose of Sharon by the Abelias with its own deer fence, planted Mojo Pittosporum around the pool, potting up the Indian Hawthorn, planted Little Twist Prunus in the One of Everything garden, Ilex integra 'Ogon' in the hydrant bed, moving the Itea chinensis to the Almost Shade Garden, Begonia Barbara Rogers in the courtyard, Miscanthus Stardust in the Pool Lawn Border moving White Nandina to the Camellias and More garden, where I also planted Gnome Gingko, moving the Verdonii Chamaecyparis to the Big Trees and Birds garden. Planted Mexican Beautyberry in the Big Trees and Birds garden.