Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Planting and transplanting
I planted Caryopteris Petit Blue in the Camellias And More garden and transplanted Citrus Swizzle Forsythia there also. I transplanted Diamond Dazzle Crape Myrtle to the Blue Bird Perennials garden and planted Mini Saffron Barberry in its place in the One Of Everything garden.
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Planting and potting up
I planted Antirrhinum molle, Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Mrs Spivey', Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Pink Elephant' and Persicaria microcephala 'Red Dragon' in the One Of Everything garden and Buxus microphylla 'Golden Dream in the Big Trees and Birds garden. I potted up for the winter Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Lacey, Kniphofia 'Nancy's Red', Solidago Solar Cascade, Chrysanthemum Frosty, Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Rotundifolius', Ternstroemia gymnanthera 'Lynn Lowrey Dwarf', Camellia sasanqua 'Starry Pillar', Euscaphis japonica, and Caryopteris First Choice.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Potting up
I potted up a number of plants which I bought on my Raleigh trip, to overwinter in the conservatory: Agapanthus 'Variegata Nana', Agapanthus inapertus var. pendulus 'Graskop', Salvia greggii 'Variegata', Salvia leucantha 'All Purple'.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I planted a replacement Craibiodendron in the Almost Shade Garden, Nandina domestic 'Compacta' in the One Of Everything garden and moved 2 Bergenias from the Mail Box Garden to the Helipad and Tiers and the Daylily Fountain garden. I also moved Leptodermis pilosa to the Octagonal Perennial Garden and took the Dwarf Garters grass from the front in a pot and planted it behind the herm.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Planting and transplanting
Potted up the Sunny Burford Holly (because still struggling), one of the Green's Blues Camellias, the Asparagus virgatus (because the rabbits were destroying it). Planted Thalictrum Black Stockings and Golden Sword Yucca in the Blue Bird Perennial garden, Chionanthus White Knight in the Abelias and More garden, Devinely Blue Deodar Cedar in the Turret Front Garden, replacement Blackbird Euphorbia in the Octagonal Perennial Bed, Blue Velvet Hypericum in the raised bed behind the garage and Sun Glo Jasmine in the In Between Garden. Transplanted the Variegated Pink Serissa and Rosa's Blush Blueberry to the Octagonal Perennial Bed. Put the Procumbens Nana Juniper in a pot for the front.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Potted up a number of Pardon Me Daylilies I had dug up previously. Took cuttings from Abutilon, Vitex, Leonotis, Cape Honeysuckle, Tibouchina, Ficus auric...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Weeding and mulching
Hand weeded the berm, in between garden, abelias bed and blue bird perennials. Spread 3 bales of pine straw in the berm - need 2 more.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Planting and transplanting
Potted up the Old Blush Rose and planted Kosteletzkya virginica in its place along the pool fence. Also planted Cardoon where the Zenobia had been along the pool fence. I moved the Muhlenbergia lindheimeri to the Ornamental Grasses Border and planted Verbena bonariensis and 2 pieces of Salvia guaranitica Argentine Skies by the Pond Cypress where the Muhlenbergia had been. I planted Bearded Iris Love The Sun and Bayberry Candle in the Five Trees Garden along with Doug's White Iris and Red Velvet Elvis. I planted Iris Immortality in the One Of Everything garden as well as Helianthus salicifolius 'Low Down' and Login Russian Sage.
Weeding and mulching
Removed grass and weeds from more of the Ornamental Grasses Border, weeded and mulched the area between the pool fence and the perennial bed.
Monday, October 08, 2012
Weeding and mulching
Weeded and topped up the mulch in the courtyard and the turret bed in front and the camellia bed in back. Hand weeded the octagonal perennial bed and the one of everything bed, as well as the front island.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Mulch and weeding
Hand weeded the One Of Everything bed and spread 5 bales of pine straw. Need 4 more bales. Also did half the Big Trees and Birds garden and spread 2 bales of pine straw. Dug up the Passionate Rainbow Gaura which was huge and straggly and out of bounds. Previously dug up Pink Cloud Gaura from the same garden, OOE, for the same reasons.
Monday, September 03, 2012
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Planting and potting up
I planted the Fairy Rose, False Bush Clover and Blue Bird Rose of Sharon and potted up Ilex Solar Flare, Trochodendron and Muhlenbergia dumosa.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Mulch and weeding
I spread pine straw and hand weeded the mail box bed, hydrant bed, by the side of the conservatory and part of the path to the croquet lawn.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Mulch and weeding
I hand weeded and spread pine straw in the new raised bed and along the pool fence slope to the side lot.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Raised bed
I dug up some of the Muhly grass to finish the end of the raised bed that curves back into the hill.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Friday, August 03, 2012
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Rose and holly border
I removed two Soft Touch Hollies from the Pool Lawn Border and planted 3 Sweet Drift Roses.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Planted Vitex negundo and White Vitex in the new raised bed by the golf course, moved Gold Rider Leyland to the property line and planted Gordlinia in the berm, replanted Hatsushimo Rose of Sharon by the Abelias with its own deer fence, planted Mojo Pittosporum around the pool, potting up the Indian Hawthorn, planted Little Twist Prunus in the One of Everything garden, Ilex integra 'Ogon' in the hydrant bed, moving the Itea chinensis to the Almost Shade Garden, Begonia Barbara Rogers in the courtyard, Miscanthus Stardust in the Pool Lawn Border moving White Nandina to the Camellias and More garden, where I also planted Gnome Gingko, moving the Verdonii Chamaecyparis to the Big Trees and Birds garden. Planted Mexican Beautyberry in the Big Trees and Birds garden.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Planted Salvia greggii 'Ultravioldet' and Snow Cap Shasta Daisy in the In Between Garden, moved the Clethra to the Helipad, Veronicastrum Lavender Towers and Raspberry Wine Bee Balm in the Berm, Miscanthus Puenktchen and Hypericum Sunny Border in the Abelias and More bed, Panicum Prairie Sky in the Pool Lawn Border, Petite Delight Bee Balm in the One Of Everything garden, potted up the Treasure Island Carex, Shorty Euphorbia and Xenox Sedum in the Octagonal Perennial Garden.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Saturday, July 07, 2012
Herbicide and weeding
Hand weeded and then sprayed 6 gallons of RoundUp - including refreshing the bermuda I am killing and digging up.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Bermuda lawn removal
Filled two cart loads of grass from the bermuda lawn in the Ornamental Grasses Border.
Monday, July 02, 2012
I built a new edge and wall on the edge of the golf course for the Ornamental Grasses border.
Had the sprinklers raised in the ornamental grasses border and 3 Ligustrums removed from the one of everything garden.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Golf course bermuda
Continued removing the grass from the golf course side of the new path, Thursday and Friday. About 3 day's work left!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Golf course bermuda
Removed some of the bermuda from the bottom side of the path and planted 3 Muhly grasses there.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Golf course bermuda
Removed the rest of the grass from the top side of the new path and started to remove the grass where the retaining wall will be.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Golf course bermuda
Removed half the Bermuda from the golf course along the top side of the new path.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Planting and transplanting
I planted 8 new daylilies in the Daylily Fountain Garden: Cleopatra, Yazoo Jim Terry, Betty Woods, Julia's Choice, Parade of Peacocks, Cabbage Flower, Lavender Velvet and Cherry Ice Cream. I transplanted 3 Happy Returns and 5 Stella D'Oro to the Around The Pool garden and I removed 4 Pardon Me daylilies from there.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
I planted Miscanthus Rigoletto, Datisca cannabina and Rudbeckia maxima 'Golda Emanis' in the Big Trees and Birds garden, Luna Red Hibiscus in the Pool Lawn Border and Asparagus virgatus in the Screen Porch Garden. I dug up 5 Soft Touch Hollies from the Daylily Fountain Gardena and replanted 5 with 4 Apricot Drift Roses in between. I planted Miscanthus Gold Breeze, Frenzy Corkscrew Rush, Panicum Rotstrahlbusch and Ledebouria zebrina in the One Of Everything garden as well as Super Stripe. I moved the Goldsturm Rudbeckia the deer were eating from the One of Everything garden to the Pool Lawn Border.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Had sprinklers added to the right boundary and drip in front of the turret. Also moved heads in the front right and added drip to the side of the garage. Finished on Wednesday, June 20th.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Planting and transplanting
I moved the 3 Nandinas from one diagonal of the croquet lawn to the other so that I could plant the 3 Buzz butterfly bushes on the long diagonal. I moved one Harbour Dwarf Nandina to the Camellias and More garden and potted up the other. I potted up the variegated Althea by the golf course because it was having an ant problem. I planted Siloam Double Classic Daylily, Pow Wow Wild Berry and Magnus Coneflowers in the Daylily Fountain Garden. I planted Voodoo Sedum in the One of Everything garden and Spirit Sedum in the Five Trees Garden, and Tricolor Sage in the Octagonal Perennial Garden. I planted Stella and Pardon Me Daylilies that I took out of the daylily garden in the Abelias and More garden. Also Hosta Tropical Storm in the courtyard and Geranium Rozanne under the bamboo. I moved the green crinum to the In Between Garden and planted Gaillardia Coral Spark in the Berm.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Planting and transplanting
In preparation for the drip being put in the turret front I moved the Pygmaea Thuja from the perennial bed to the front along with the Curly Red Leucothoe, and the Nana Gracilis Chamaecyparis. I put a half pot in the ground and planted the Tom Thumb Cotoneaster in it. I moved the Metallicum Japanese Painted Fern and the Ground Orchids under the Jade Snowflake.
I moved the Princess Nandina to the Mail Box Garden and planted the Vintage Jade Distylium in the Hide The Hydrant bed.
Set up the edges of the grass path through the golf course bermuda. Cut the edges and sprayed the rest of the bermuda with roundup.
I also created a raised bed by the Rivieriorum Bamboo and made a bamboo fence to keep the bamboo plant off the path.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Moved the two remaining Rose Creek Abelias and the Fred's Upright Boxwood and put them around the turret. Also moved the open bottomed pot with the Russian Arborvitae.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Planting and transplanting
I planted 5 new Daylilies in the Daylily Fountain Garden: Double Talk, Double Bold One, Kwanso, Orange Vols and Two To Tango and also put some fans of the last three in the Pool Lawn Border. I transplanted one of the Daisy Gardenias from the Turret to the back near the screen porch and potted up the other 3. I moved a Rose Creek Abelia to the front of the Turret. I moved the Blackcurrant Heuchera to the courtyard because it had been eaten by deer.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Planting and transplanting
Planted Sedum Elsie's Gold, Sedum Coral Carpet and Leonotis leonurus in the tiers, Hydrangea Dharuma in the pool lawn border, Heuchera Blackcurrant in the One of Everything garden, and potted up the Fallopia I had been given, to put in the Camellias and more garden.
I moved the Tiny Star Yucca to a drier spot and potted up the Leptodermis pilosa which seemed to be getting too wet. I potted up a white phlox in the tiers to plant the sedum and dug up some Setcreasea and Lamb's Ears. I also replanted two dahlias in the tiers that I had previously dug up because they were being eaten.
I moved the Tiny Star Yucca to a drier spot and potted up the Leptodermis pilosa which seemed to be getting too wet. I potted up a white phlox in the tiers to plant the sedum and dug up some Setcreasea and Lamb's Ears. I also replanted two dahlias in the tiers that I had previously dug up because they were being eaten.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Moved the Willowwood Kalmia to the Courtyard to give it more shade and better drainage.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Weeding and deadheading
Hand pulled weeds in the One Of Everything garden. Deadheaded the daylilies.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Saw Japanese beetles so sprayed the Hibiscus and Jude The Obscure with systemic insecticide.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Planted the Magnolia insignis in the berm, Sterling Silver Stachyurus in the conservatory garden, Blackbird Euphorbia in the perennial bed, Sedum sieboldii in the top tier (potting up a white Phlox), Leucothoe Curly Red by the helipad, Sedum pachyclados in the Five Trees garden, Magnolia laevifolia Snow Angel in the front by the gate post (digging up the Blue Lyme grass and potting it up - it did not go with the Abelias planted there). Planted Autumn Delight Sedum in the tiers by the path. Planted out the Neillia sinensis from the In Between Garden which I had potted up because it was browning and put it in the front foundation hedge by the conservatory path. Also planted Coral Bean by the path in the Camellias and More garden.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I planted Pee Dee Ingot Liriope in the front, replacing 2 white creeping Phlox which were burned by fertilizer (I potted them up), Aloysia virgata by the screen porch (potting up some red Verbena), Turk's Cap and Orange Zest Cestrum by the conservatory, Sea Holly Big Blue and Donkey-tail Spurge in the perennial bed, Sinoa Salvia in the front, moving the Ajuga to the sprinkler at the back., Itea chinensis and Viburnum superbum in the Hydrant Hedge, Dwarf Liatris in the berm, Ardisia chirimen by the garage side, Hypericum Brodie by the Loquat and Magnolia figo Hagiwara Everblooming in the One of Everything garden. Potted up the dwarf Osmanthus and kept it on the table in the screen porch.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Planted Salvia greggii 'Flame' in the In Between Garden and potted up Prunus Little Twist. Planted Ophiopogon chingii in the Almost Shade garden, Iris brevicaulis and Iris pseudacorus in the Five trees garden, Tosca Hibiscus in the One of Everything garden.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Moved 2 Dwarf Burfords from the Hydrant hedge to the left property line. Moved the Casablanca Lilies from the perennial bed to the tiers because they were being eaten. Also moved the Autumn Fire sedum into the tiers garden because the deer had pulled it up.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Planted the Kaleidoscope Gardenia by the pool fence, moved a fourth Dwarf Burford from the mail box hedge and planted a Fortunei Cleyera there instead. Planted Waterloo Sunset Dianthus in the perennial bed. Planted Lemon Ball and Blue Spruce Sedums in the 5 trees garden, with Iceplant and Sedum takesimense. Also planted iceplant in the berm and Sedum kamtschaticum near the gatepost. Planted Deutzia Magician in the one of everything garden.
Thursday, May 03, 2012
I removed the last of the silt fence which I started last Saturday and used wheat straw to cover the drainage flume I created on the left side.
Moving plants
Golden Spangles Camellia was getting burned so I moved it to the Camellias and More garden. Also two of the new Dahlias were losing their foliage so I potted them up - Cezanne and Boogie Woogie.
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Pruning and deadheading
Pruned up the Corkscrew Willow and deadheaded the irises. Also dug up the front-growing Peppermint Stick Grass and potted up rooted divisions.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
I planted Neillia sinensis in the In Between Garden along with Sunny Side Up Lantana. Also planted Midnight Wine Weigela and River Mist Sea Oats by the Helipad, Creeping Jenny and a pink Lantana in the Five Trees Garden, Indigofera decora by the fig tree at the side of the conservatory, Chapel Hill Lantana on the back side of the berm and the Snow Rose Serissa that I had previously dug because it was in an ant hill, in front of the screen porch.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Planting and transplanting
I planted Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger, Grenadin Red Carnation and Joystick Red Thrift in the Octagonal Perennial Garden, Crinum Sangria and Crinum Menehune, Fireworks Solidago, Margarita Abelia, Autumn Fire Sedum in the In Between Garden. I moved the Spirited Chamaecyparis to the In Between Garden from the Octagonal Perennial bed and the Verdonii Chamaecyparis and Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' to the Camellias and More Garden. I planted Variegated Lantana in the Big Trees and Birds garden, Ice Plant in the Berm and moved Gold Bar Miscanthus to the In Between Garden.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
I planted a Silver King Euonymus by the pool, Rudolph Euphorbia in the Octagonal Perennial Garden, transplanted Crimson Butterflies Gaura from the perennial bed to the Five Trees Garden, planted Elegantissima Boxwood in the Five Trees Garden, Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Worcester Gold' in the Camellias and More garden, Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Longwood Blue', Micron Holly and Salvia greggii SallyG Vanilla in the One of Everything garden, Variegated Helleri Holly in the Big Trees and Birds Garden with Daybreak Barberry, Twist of Lime Abelia with the other Abelias by the golf course (potted up what looks like a dead Margarita Abelia), and Leycestria formosa 'Jealousy' in the In Betweeen Garden
Potted up the Variegated Cassava to put by the pool.
Potted up a Hibiscus militaris from by the pool.
Potted up the Variegated Cassava to put by the pool.
Potted up a Hibiscus militaris from by the pool.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Planting and digging up
I dug up 3 Hellleri Holly from the Hydrant bed for sale and planted Richard Harland Boxwood and Willow Leaf Wax Myrtle in their place. Also dug up 2 Lantana to sell from there and planted Pink Showers Jasmine. Planted a Podocarpus on the left side property line. Dug up 5 Junipers and sold them, plus one more Lantana. Planted Hens and Chicks Sedum by the guest room window. Planted Jermyn's Globe Viburnum where the Richard Boxwood had been.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Planted Variegated Socitey Garlic by the gatepost with Baccharis angustifolia. Planted one Catlin's Giant Ajuga in the One of Everything garden and one in the Hide the Hydrant garden. Move the Beschorneria and 3 Agapanthus in the pool edge garden and made a raised bed from a bottomless pot for 5 Galtonia viridiflora and 5 Galtonia candicans. Planted 3 groups of 10 oxalis - O. regnellii, O. tetraphylla, O. tetraphylla 'Iron Cross'. Potted up some Cannas from the pool area.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Planting and transplanting
Dug up the Lindley's Butterfly Bush because it was suckering badly. Potted it up and dug up the remaining suckers. Also potted up the Cassian Pennisetum and Snow Rose Serissa after washing thoroughly because fire ants had built the mounds up so high that the plants were being taken over. Planted bulbs: 5 Casablanca Lilies and 5 Netty's Pride Lilies in the Octagonal Bed, 10 Gladiolus Nymph in the raised tropical bed in the front right corner with the daffodils, Canna musifolia in the pool corner, Boogie Woogie, Cezanne Gallery and Sandra Dahlias in the new raised tiers. Also planted the Liriope that I had previously dug up from the Pond Cypress and Turret Beds - behind the Jade Snowflake. Took out some Red Leaf Cannas from the pool and planted them behind the Kumson Forsythia. Potted up the Mr Spock Mallotus. Planted Cryptomeria araucarioides on the pool lawn corner where the Lindley's Butterfly Bush had been.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Planted the Silver Comet Pampas grass in the 5 Trees garden, the Purple Rain Salvia in the One of Everything Garden, the Eragrostis spectabile by the back garden path in the In Between Garden, the Tallahassee Sunset Eragrostis by the Blue Bird House in the Big Trees and More Garden. Moved the Colorguard Yucca from by the front door to the Blue Bird House garden near the golf course and planted Helene von Stein Lamb's Ears in its place.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Planting and transplanting and potting
I dug up and potted the two remaining Galaxy Hibiscus and I moved the Hibiscus dascalyx to the end of the pool. I planted a Musa basjoo behind the Pink Bananas. I dug up 3 Muhly Grasses and planted them by the Pond Cypress along with the White Muhly. I moved Shenandoah Panicum to the pool fence near the screen porch and also moved Luna Blush Hibiscus to plant it there. Planted two cuttings of Hibiscus acetosella 'Panama Red' with them and the Cranberry Punch Hibiscus. I planted the Moonlight Canna next to the Bright Edge Yucca.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Planting and transplanting and potting
Planted Troll Gingko in the front turret bed, Salvia Heatwave Glitter and Golden Crown Podocarpus in the one of everything garden, Head Lee Fastigiate Osmanthus in the Camellias and More garden, 3 x Russellia, Variegated Pittosporum and Cape Honeysuckle in the tropicals bed, 'Murasaki kiyohime' Japanese Maple by the helipad and the Raspberry Truffle Sedum in the tiers. I moved the Galaxy Hibiscus to the bed by the Pond Cypress and moved the Muhlenbergia lindheimeri to the corner by the Pond Cypress. I moved the Flying Dragon to the other end of the property line. I potted up the Dwarf Garters Ribbon Grass from yesterday and the Green Beauty Boxwood that I am trying to topiary.
Friday, March 23, 2012
I planted Kerria japonica 'Plenifora' in place of the straight species which was in the Almost Shade Garden. Also replanted Golden Spangles Camellia in the One of Everything garden and Camellia crapnelliana in the Camellias and More garden. Planted Olea yunnanensis, Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Royal Flush' in the Five Trees garden.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Potting up
I dug up the two Weigelas from the Five Trees Garden as well as the Elsbry Dogwood and the Don Egolf Redbud and potted them up. All doing badly! Also potted up some plants from Santa Rosa.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Planted the Teucrium fruticans, Compacta Walter's Viburnum and Variegated Confederate Jasmine in the Hide The Hydrant bed. Transplanted a Lantana from the Hide the Hydrant bed to behind the Magnolia in the Five Trees Garden, and a Goldsturm Rudbeckia to the One of Everything Garden.
Monday, March 19, 2012
I planted the Oso Easy Rose by the helipad and a Frierson's Compact Boxwood in the Turret Front Garden. I potted up the Weigela Midnight Wine and moved a May Night Salvia to its place in the Big Trees and Birds garden. I moved the White Berried Nandina to the place where the Salvia had come from by the pool fence gate, and planted Neillia thibetica where the Nandina had been in front of the screen porch. I planted a Yucca recurvifolia 'Variegata' and a Spiraea cantonensis 'Lanceata' in the bed between the croquet lawn and perennials.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Transplanting and planting
I moved the Rock Garden Holly and planted it in the Turret Front Garden along with the Dwarf Pagoda Holly and Oscar's Dwarf Holly.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Weeding and preparation
I dug up all the weeds and the Liriope by the Pond Cypress and cultivated the bed. Then added soil and covered with pine straw.
Planting and potting up
I planted the Rocky Creek Holly and All Gold Juniper in the Turret Front Garden. I potted up the Cinnamomum Harlequin and the Nageia nagi.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Monday, March 05, 2012
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Moved the Rosemary from the pool area to the One of Everything garden. Potted up some rooted cuttings from it.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
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